Important Links

The links on this page are available via the public internet, but you will need to use UCSF credentials to log in.


The UCSF Connect Portal provides access to APeX and the APeX Knowledge Bank

The UC Learning Center provides access to online eLearnings required for APeX access.  It also provides tools to identify which training courses are required for different job types, and to enroll yourself and others into eLearning and instructor-led courses

The UCSF Password Self Service site allows you to reset your password or unlock your account using security questions.  You will need to know your UCSF Employee ID (EID) 

The UCSF EID Lookup site allows you to look up your UCSF Employee ID using your UCSF logon ID and password

The UCSF IT Verification site is used by managers and identified practice contacts to provide annual verification of APeX access for all end users